O.C.O Technology is able to valorise thermal residues as construction products. In the UK, O.C.O Technology has three commercially operating plants producing carbon neutral aggregate, which is being supplied to the construction industry as a sustainable construction material. Our aggregate is named M-LS. M for Manufactured, LS for LimeStone.
Sustainable Construction Products
M-LS is carbon neutral*. CO₂ is permanently sequestered as stable carbonate minerals.

Every thousand tonnes of M-LS produced captures the same amount of carbon dioxide as planting 4,000 trees every year
For every tonne of M-LS used, 1.4 tonnes of natural aggregate is saved; natural material can never be replaced
M-LS is tailored to the application required. Strength, density, and grading can be adjusted to requirement.
O.C.O Technology continues to develop new sustainable products. The technology can be applied to a multitude of applications, including the production of bricks, blocks, tiles and slabs, made from waste materials, and conventional cementitious materials.
*The carbon storage associated with the M-LS product is managed in Puro Registry for carbon removal credits and is only available by separate negotiation with O.C.O
M-LS 6F Series is specially formulated for use in earthworks, pavements and bound materials.

M-LS BlockMix is specially formulated for use in masonry products as well as other concrete applications.