Dr Peter Gunning, O.C.O Technology’s Head of Research and Development is due to present to the Energy from Waste Conference on March 11th. O.C.O are sponsoring the event which runs from the 10th to the 12th March 2021. https://network.efwconference.com/posts/how-capturing-co2-from-apcr-is-helping-to-build-a-sustainable-future
O.C.O Technology chosen as Mitsubishi Corporation’s sole UK partner in global drive to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050
A new Green Concrete Consortium launched by Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation has hand-picked O.C.O Technology as one of only four global companies to deliver its goal of transforming CO2 into carbon negative concrete and aggregates. Work has already begun on a project in Japan to assess the potential for carbonating new waste materials, including slag waste […]
Top industry award win for O.C.O Technology
O.C.O Technology is proud to have been named the winner of the Rushlight Sustainable Manufacturing & Services Award 2020-21. The results were announced by event founder Clive Hall on Thursday, 28 January. First launched in 2007, the awards are designed to highlight new technology, innovation and best practice across the environmental and cleantech spectrum. They […]
O.C.O secures enhanced range of materials for carbon capture
O.C.O has received Permit variations from the Environment Agency for each of our three operational aggregate manufacturing facilities in Avonmouth, Leeds and Brandon, Suffolk. The formal variations now list a much wider range of residual and industrial materials for processing by our Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT), allowing O.C.O to extend our recycling and carbon capture […]
O.C.O successfully transitions to ISO 45001
As part of our drive to continually improve our processes and procedures, O.C.O have recently successfully transitioned to ISO 45001. Already accredited to ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Health & Safety, we underwent a series of rigorous audits across the three sites in November and December and […]
O.C.O Technology presents at international technical webinar
Dr. Peter Gunning, Technical and Quality Manager for O.C.O, recently presented at a prestigious international webinar on ‘Valorisation of fly ash from Waste to Energy’. Peter is a recognised authority on the topic and used the webinar to showcase the O.C.O expertise in creating carbon negative aggregate materials from residual materials. The webinar was organised […]