O.C.O were pleased to host a delegation from the Department for International Trade at our Leeds facility. Our visitors were 24 Trade Advisors and DIT hosts on a Sector Knowledge Tour visiting a number of technology providers in Britain. The Trade Advisors are based in British Embassies across the world and help to promote British […]
O.C.O Technology exhibit at the EA’s Low Carbon Expo in Birmingham
On the 3rd and 4th November we were asked to present alongside our business supply chain partner Jackson Civil Engineering at the Low Carbon Expo at Millennium Point, Birmingham. The event was hosted by the Environment Agency to showcase low carbon solutions for infrastructure projects and their use in construction. The event was well attended […]
The ICT visit O.C.O in Leeds
On the 22nd of October, members of the Institute for Concrete Technology (ICT) visited O.C.O’s newest facility in Leeds for a presentation and site tour. The guests included pre-casters, concrete manufacturers and technical experts. The visit was arranged by Raman Mangabhai and Edwin Trout of the ICT. The day started with a welcome and introduction […]
O.C.O exhibit at the Concrete Expo
On the 8th and 9th of October members of the O.C.O team manned a stand at the Concrete Expo NEC Birmingham which formed part of UK Construction week. The show was very successful for our business with a footfall far higher than expected. Customers old and new visited us on the stand and it was […]
Achilles Audit Ranks O.C.O Technology in the Top 10% of Businesses
As O.C.O Technology continues to grow its customer and supplier base, we were pleased to welcome an audit from Achilles following a recent tender win. With the Health, Safety and Welfare of our employees and the quality of our products and processes always being high priority, Achilles were welcomed to our Leeds site in October. […]
O.C.O Technology contract award for Ferrybridge Multifuel 2
O.C.O Technology has been awarded a 10 year contract with Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 (FM2) for the management of Air Pollution Control residues arising from the new power station. O.C.O will process the residues using their Accelerated Carbonation Technology, whereby carbon dioxide is reacted with the residues to create a carbon negative aggregate product. This manufactured […]