The ICT visit O.C.O in Leeds
On the 22nd of October, members of the Institute for Concrete Technology (ICT) visited O.C.O’s newest facility in Leeds for a presentation and site tour. The guests included pre-casters, concrete manufacturers and technical experts. The visit was arranged by Raman Mangabhai and Edwin Trout of the ICT.
The day started with a welcome and introduction from O.C.O Managing Director, Steve Greig followed by presentations from Dave Olley (Aggregate Sales and Development Manager) and Dr Peter Gunning (Technical and Quality Manager).
The guests were given a history of O.C.O Technology from an accidental discovery on a laboratory bench to where we are today – three established plants in the UK and talks underway in areas such as Japan and Australia to take our patented technology overseas.
There was also information given on the aggregate manufacturing process itself including the rigorous testing and certification regimes we employ.
A further presentation was given by Paul Barber (Brandon Site Manager) into the use of O.C.O material within the precast industry. Before joining O.C.O, Paul was Plant Manager at Lignacite in Brandon so was able to share real experience of using our product in block-making.
After lunch and a Q&A session the ICT guests were taken for a tour of the site.
The visit was deemed a great success with positive feedback received from many of the delegates and it being featured on the ICT’s twitter feed (@concretelibrary) and their website.