As part of our drive to continually improve our processes and procedures, O.C.O have recently successfully transitioned to ISO 45001.

Already accredited to ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Health & Safety, we underwent a series of rigorous audits across the three sites in November and December and received confirmation on 9th December that the business has passed all and attained ISO 45001.

ISO 45001 replaces OHSAS 18001 and other national and international standards and is the internationally recognised standard for businesses that are serious about improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better, safer working conditions.

The process began in early November when the Leeds site was visited and audited against all three of the current standards.  Further audits were then carried out in Avonmouth on the 24th of November and Brandon on the 7th, 8th and 9th of December.  This final audit at Brandon included the assessment for migration to ISO 45001.

O.C.O received a clean bill of health from all three audits.  No non-conformances were raised and no opportunities for improvement identified across all three sites.

Lee Thompson, O.C.O’s HSEQ Manager says “It really has been a great team effort from everyone at O.C.O Technology” and it is “a credit to peoples’ work ethic within the Business”.

Lee was also particularly proud to receive the following comment from one of the auditors:

“It is without doubt one of the most impressive IMS systems in terms of improvements and engagement that I, as a senior auditor, have come across”

Our commitment to our staff, our customers and suppliers and the wider environment is paramount and this is why the Business is now working towards achieving BES 6001 – The Framework Standard for Responsible Sourcing – and has recently created a Sustainability Policy which will be publicly reported against in the coming months.

Lee Thompson, HSEQ Manager of O.C.O Technology Ltd